The Beautiful Necessity...

The Soldier in William Morris

Fiona Rose

The Soldier in William Morris

William Morris was a soldier - surely not? I thought I knew most things about Morris but his military "career" - if you can call it that - took me completely by surprise as highlighted by Malcolm Youngs in a recent edition of The Friends of Red House Newsletter...

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Stage Set by Morris & Co: The Crusaders 1891

Fiona Rose

Stage Set by Morris & Co: The Crusaders 1891

William Morris was famously thought to be theatre adverse but new

evidence has come to light that Morris & Co. designed the stage sets

for the 1891 play The Crusaders by Arthur Henry Jones.

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The Garden of William Morris at Kelmscott House

Fiona Rose

The Garden of William Morris at Kelmscott House

In 1875 William Morris was looking for a house to lease in London. Kelmscott House, on the Upper Mall, Hammersmith, fulfilled his requirements of being close to water and having a large unspoiled garden.

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Frank Lloyd Wright's The Ennis House

Fiona Rose

Frank Lloyd Wright's The Ennis House

When I give talks about Frank Lloyd Wright, I am often asked what is my

favourite Wright building. The answer is: The Ennis House..

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The Morrises at Broadway Tower

Fiona Rose

The Morrises at Broadway Tower

What connection has a C19th turreted folly, set high on the north east edge of the Cotswolds, have to do with William Morris?

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