The Beautiful Necessity...
May Morris: “I’m a remarkable woman...though none of you seemed to think so".
Fiona Rose

Morris as Camp Cook
Fiona Rose

It is well known that William Morris was a generous host: his friend and fellow socialist Bruce Glasier recalled a picnic in 1889 hosted by Morris on the banks of the Thames where he, “took upon himself the duties of Master of Ceremonies. He insisted on doing everything himself – opening the packages, laying out the plates, knives and forks, and glasses, and uncorking the wine bottles. What a feast was spread before us... And all the time Morris kept our fancy on the wing with stories and curious lore, and droll comments on the comestibles he laid before us.”...
William Morris and the South Kensington Museum
Fiona Rose

Who was ‘Marshall’ in Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co?
Fiona Rose

Morris in Bloomsbury
Fiona Rose